Latar belakang: Kemoterapi menimbulkan efek samping fisiologis dan psikologis. Gejala psikologis yang dapat terjadi berupa kecemasan dan depresi. Masalah psikososial dapat diatasi dengan memfasilitasi peningkatan koping pasien melalui pemberian informasi dan peningkatan sistem dukungan. Program PRO–SELF yang didesain untuk pasien kanker dewasa meliputi informasi, keterampilan, dan dukungan supaya penderita kanker dapat terlibat mandiri secara efektif dan konsisten dalam mengelola efek samping kemoterapi sehingga keparahan gejala yang berhubungan dengan penyakitnya atau penanganan penyakitnya dapat diminimalkan. Tujuan: mengetahui pengaruh implementasi Program PRO-SELF terhadap kecemasan dan depresi pada pasien kemoterapi. Metode: penelitian quasi eksperimen dengan pre-test-post-test one group design yang melibatkan 40 responden selama 3 bulan dengan kriteria inklusi semua pasien kemoterapi, berusia kurang dari 65 tahun, nilai skala Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) 0–2. Data dikumpulkan pada bulan Juli–September 2013 di Ruang Penyakit Dalam IRNA 1 RSUP Dr. Sardjito. Kriteria eksklusinya pasien kanker yang memiliki riwayat gangguan psikiatri. Responden diberikan pre-test, kemudian diberikan intervensi oleh peneliti berupa pemberian program PRO-SELF yang terdiri atas pemberian informasi, keterampilan tentang kemoterapi dan pengurangan efek samping kemoterapi, serta pemberian dukungan melalui telepon saat pasien di rumah. Setelah intervensi, responden diberikan post-test dengan jarak waktu 3 minggu dari pretest. Pengukuran kecemasan dan depresi menggunakan kuesioner hospital anxiety depression scale (HADS). Analisis data dilakukan dengan analisis Wilcoxon Test dengan tingkat kepercayaan 95%. Hasil: Terdapat perbedaan bermakna tingkat kecemasan pada responden (p=0,001) dari pre-test ke post-test. Tingkat depresi tidak bermakna dari pre-test ke post-test (p=0,258). Kesimpulan: Implementasi program PRO-SELF secara efektif dapat mengurangi kecemasan pasien kemoterapi, tetapi tidak dapat secara efektif mengurangi depresi.
Kata Kunci: kemoterapi, kecemasan, depresi, program PRO-SELF.
Background: Chemotherapy causes physiological and psychological side effects. Psychological symptoms that can occur are anxiety and depression. Psychosocial problems can be overcame by improved patient coping through the provision of information and improved support system. PRO-SELF program that was designed increase self-care skills for adult patients undergoing cancer therapy includes information, skills, and support so cancer patients can be engaged effectively and consistently independent in managing side effect chemotherapy, so the severity of symptoms due to disease or treatment disease can be minimized. Objectives: To identify the effect of implementation PRO-SELF program to anxiety and depression in chemotherapy patients. Methods: This study used pre-experimental, one-group pre-test-post-test design involving 40 respondents for 3 month, inclusion criteria in this study are all chemotherapy patients, aged less than 65 years, screening patients with Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG 0–2) scale. Data were collected within July–September 2013 in Internal Injuries IRNA 1 Room RSUP Dr. Sardjito Yogyakarta. Exclusion criteria is cancer patients who have history of psychiatric disorder. Respondents were given a pre-test, then were given intervention by nursing student with provision of information, skills in reducing chemotherapy side effects, and provide support with telephone when patients are at home. Respondent were given post-test after intervention 3 weeks after pretest. Measurement of anxiety and depression using hospital anxiety depression scale (HADS) questionnaires and analyzed with Wilcoxon test with 95% level of significancy. Results: Decrease respondents anxiety from pre-test to post-test with significancy 0.001, there is significant difference. Depression respondents changed from pre-test to post-test with significancy 0.258, that is non-significant difference. Discussion: PRO-SELF program effectively reduce anxiety because information, skills, support can reduce anxiety. Conclusions: Implementation of the PRO-SELF program effectively reduce patient anxiety chemotherapy. Yet it can not reduce depression effectively.
Keywords: chemotherapy, anxiety, depression, PRO-SELF program.